Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Enroll in my FREE Course and SAVE SOULS

Are you sick of walking into Church and having THIS GUY guilt trip you about doing family history?

Have all of your ancestors been found, documented, and baptized all the way back to Adam? (P.S. That's not possible. we will talk about it later, but your aunt is lying to you).

I am here to tell you that there IS work for you to do, LOTS of it, and you WILL find it more satisfying than jumping on the tramp, eating chocolate pudding pie, and even applying lick-n-stick tattoos. In fact, you may develop an addiction.

Do you have the guts to come with me on this treasure hunt? It is not for the lazy or weak. 

Your work will never be done. It will cause you headaches, confusion, and disappointment.
But it is one of the most important things you can do with your time. My fear is that you will wake up one day and realize the real importance and joy in family history work and then face the deep regret that you spent more time doing other things.

If you think you don't have time, ask yourself if you could spend 30 minutes this Sunday learning this new skill. It looks great on an application to Heaven.

Classes start on May 1, 2016. RSVP if you want to participate!